1-2 September 2010 Washington D.C., US
GEF STAP Workshop on Approaches to Address Carbon Benefit in Implementing the SFM/REDD+ Program

The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility (GEF STAP) is organizing a workshop on Approaches to Address Carbon Benefit in the context of Multiple Global Environmental Benefits in Implementing the SFM/ REDD+ Program in GEF-5. The workshop will deliver a list of advisory products that will contribute to a toolkit for the implementation of GEF’s SFM/REDD+ program.  

dates: 1-2 September 2010  
venue: World Bank Headquarters  
location: Washington, District of Columbia, US  
contact: GEF STAP Secretariat  
phone: +1-202-621-5021  
e-mail: david.cunningham@unep.org  
www: http://www.unep.org/stap/Events/SciencePanelWorkshops/CarbonBenefitsofSFMREDD/tabid/4914/language/en- US/Default.aspx  

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