The G20 Science 20 Summit 2021 will be held on the theme “Preparing for pandemics” and the Social Science and Humanities 20 Summit 2021 will focus on the concept of “crises.” Both Summits will take place back-to-back ahead of the G20 Leaders Summit 2021, which is to be hosted by Italy in October 2021. Science 20 (S20) and Social Science and Humanities 20 (SSH20) are G20 Engagement Groups.

The 2021 G20, under the Italian Presidency, will focus on three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, Prosperity. Within these pillars, the G20 aims to take the lead in ensuring a swift international response to the COVID-19 pandemic – able to provide equitable, worldwide access to diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines – while building up resilience to future health-related shocks.

The Engagement Groups are independent collectives that are led by organizations from the host country. They work with other organizations from G20 countries to develop policy recommendations that are formally submitted to G20 leaders for consideration. S20 brings together the Academies of Science of the G20, and SSH20 does the same for the G20 Academies of Social Sciences and Humanities.

This year’s S20 Summit will address the preparedness of the scientific community for pandemics, the identification of the most promising research programmes and possible policy options governments could adopt to support them; and the SSH20 Summit will consider the wide-ranging impacts of crises on societies, from economic, societal, legal, cultural perspectives and beyond. Their recommendations will be submitted to the G20 Leaders.

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Rome, Lazio, Italy