5-7 March 2018 Washington D.C., US
Fragility Forum 2018: Managing Risks for Peace and Stability

The 2018 Fragility Forum (#FragilityForum18) will bring together policy makers and practitioners from humanitarian, development, peace and security communities to share practical solutions and explore innovative ways to improve development approaches to foster peace and stability. The theme for the 2018 event, 'Managing Risks for Peace and Stability', which reflects a strategic shift in how the global community addresses fragility, conflict and violence, by refocusing on the prevention of conflict rather than simply responding to its impacts. This event is hosted by the World Bank.

This event is taking place as part of Global Partnerships Week 2018.

dates: 5-7 March 2018
location: Washington D.C., US
www: http://www.p3.co/2018-events/2018/3/5/fragility-forum-2018-managing-risks-for-peace-and-stability

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