27-29 June 2011 Lodz, Lodzkie, Poland
Fourth Central and Eastern European Regional Meeting on SAICM and UNITAR Workshop on Nanotechnology

The SAICM Secretariat, in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Government of Poland, are organizing these back-to-back meetings. On 27-28 June, the UNITAR workshop will, among other things, examine Switzerland's proposal to add activities on nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials to the Global Plan of Action (GPA) of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The SAICM regional meeting, on 28-29 June, will prepare for the first meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG), the body tasked with considering the implementation, development and enhancement of SAICM between sessions of the International Conferences on Chemicals Management (ICCM). Among other things, the meeting will be asked to provide inputs on proposals regarding additions to the GPA, emerging issues, and the draft health sector strategy.  

dates: 27-29 June 2011   location: Lodz, Poland   contact: SAICM Secretariat   phone: +41-22-917-8532   fax: +41-22-797-3460   e-mail: saicm@unep.org   www: http://www.saicm.org/index.php?content=meeting&mid=134&menuid=&def=1