30 June - 1 July 2013 Mataram (Lombok), West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Participants Committee Fifteenth Meeting (PC15)

This workshop will consider progress reports on country programmes and capacity building initiatives as well as reports from other REDD+ initiatives. The workshop will also examine options for a future emissions reduction payment agreement (ERPA) and will consider the 2014 budget.  

dates: 30 June – 1 July 2013   venue: Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort, Jalan Raya Senggigi Km. 8, Senggig   location: Indonesia   additional: Lombok   www: https://www.forestcarbonpartnership.org/pc15-june-30-july-1-2013-lombok-indonesia  

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