27-28 November 2012 Regensburg, Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern), Germany
First Forum on the EU Danube Strategy

The forum, organized by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in cooperation between the Government of Bavaria and the European Commission (EC), will take stock of progress since the release of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in 2012. Titled “How can the Danube Region help to have a more competitive Europe,” the forum will focus on the challenges and opportunities of the Danube Region in terms of investment and economic competitiveness, for example in infrastructure development and energy efficiency. The EU Danube Region Strategy addresses environmental threats including water pollution, floods and climate change, in addition to energy issues, socioeconomic development and education.  

dates: 27-28 November 2012   location: Regensburg, Germany   contact: ICPDR Secretariat   phone: +431 260 60 5738   fax: +431 260 60 5895   e-mail: icpdr@unvienna.org   www: http://www.icpdr.org/main/1st-forum-eu-danube-strategy  

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