8-10 October 2012 Bled, Upper Carniola, Slovenia
Fifth International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management

This conference is jointly organized by UNESCO-International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and the Slovenian National Committee for UNESCO-IHP. Participants will discuss issues including: impact of global climate change and development of transboundary integrated water management; transboundary water – historical and cultural backgrounds; governance, legal and institutional issues; flood, drought and ecosystems management in the transboundary management; socioeconomic and human aspects of transboundary water management; cooperation and conflict prevention; EU Water Framework Directive implementation and lessons learned; and review of UNESCO ISARM and GEF International Waters Projects.  

dates: 8-10 October 2012   venue: Convention Centre, Cesta svobode 11   location: Slovenia   additional: Bled   e-mail: bled2011@fgg.uni-lj.si   www: http://ksh.fgg.uni-lj.si/bled2012/  

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