13 April 2012 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Environment Leadership Group for Business Launch

At its inaugural meeting, the Environment Leadership Group for Business will be launched. At the event, which will be chaired and facilitated by the Director and Deputy Chair of the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA), participants will have the opportunity to: address how the Environment Principles of the UN Global Compact relate to the other Global Compact Principles in the areas of human rights, labor and anti-corruption; and share experiences in addressing the key challenges and opportunities faced in implementing the Environment Principles.  

date: 13 April 2012   venue: Barangaroo Delivery Authority – Level 21, AON / Maritime Trade Towers, 201 Kent Street   location: Sydney, Australia   contact: Matthew Tukaki   phone: +02 9909 5782   e-mail: matthew.tukaki@unglobalcompact.org.au   www: http://www.unglobalcompact.org.au/news-and-events/events/ungcna-environment-leadership-group-sydney/  

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