7-9 May 2015 Istanbul, Turkey
Employment Working Group Meeting

The second Employment Working Group meeting under Turkey's Group of 20 (G20) Presidency will take place on 7-9 May 2015, in Istanbul, Turkey. The issue of employment falls under the first pillar of the Turkish Presidency, 'Strengthening the Global Recovery and Lifting the Potential'. Turkey has chosen to focus on understanding the factors behind the “jobless growth phenomenon,” discussing labor income as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) and creating better quality jobs. The Presidency is also guided by the “three I's”: Inclusiveness, Implementation and Investment for growth. Under inclusiveness, Turkey wants to ensure that the benefits of growth and prosperity are shared by all segments of the society, focusing on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), gender equality and youth unemployment. Further, according to Turkey's Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, implementation will focus on the Brisbane Action Plan and the 1,000 commitments that, if fully implemented, will generate millions of additional jobs by 2018.  

dates: 7-9 May 2015  
location: Istanbul, Turkey  
www: https://g20.org/turkey-2015/2015-event-schedule/

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