4 December 2015 Paris, Ile-De-France, France
Education Day at COP 21

Education Day at COP 21 will comprise a series of events that promote changes in lifestyles, attitudes and behavior needed to foster sustainable development and to address climate change. Events during the thematic Day will provide examples of good practice and lessons learned in climate education, including at a ministerial event in climate change education and sustainable development organized by the French Government, followed by a series of mini-events, a UN side event on formal climate change education, and a CCE side event on non-formal climate change education.  

date: 4 December 2015  
venue: Parc des Expositions, 93350 Le Bourget  
location: Paris, Ile-De-France, France  
www: http://unfccc.int/cooperation_support/education_outreach/overview/items/9192.php

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