2 May 2023 New York City, US
ECOSOC Special Meeting: Unleashing the Transformative Power of SDG 16

The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will convene a special meeting on SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) themed, ‘Unleashing the Transformative Power of SDG 16: Improving Governance and Reducing Corruption’. The meeting will bring together representatives from the public and private sectors, civil society, journalists, and international expert organizations to discuss how to accelerate the SDGs and ensure that no one is left behind.

The meeting will focus on persistent challenges, emerging trends, and innovation in combatting corruption, enhancing integrity, and achieving progress on SDG 16. The meeting will result in an informal summary of key messages and recommendations by the ECOSOC President. The meeting will also inform the SDG 16 Conference, taking place in Rome, Italy, from 30 May to 1 June 2023.

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date: 2 May 2023
location: New York City, US
www: https://www.un.org/ecosoc/en/events/2023/ecosoc-special-meeting-unleashing-transformative-power-sdg16-improving-governance-and?_gl=1*9zhxlg*_ga*MzY5NzczNjgyLjE2NTM1NTY4MjE.*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTY4MzU0MDE5MC4yMTMuMS4xNjgzNTQxNzM5LjAuMC4w

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