5 May 2014 New York City, US
Culture and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

This special thematic debate of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on 'Culture and sustainable development in the post-2015 development agenda', held in cooperation with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), will consider the role of culture and sustainable development in the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda. The debate is expected to address how to: maximize the contribution of culture to poverty eradication; leverage cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries to contribute to poverty eradication, education, the environment, sustainable urbanization and inclusive and peaceful societies; enhance the interrelationship between culture and the environment; safeguard cultural resources in view of sustainable urbanization; and mobilize culture in social cohesion, peace and reconciliation. The UNGA requested the UNGA President to hold a special thematic debate on this topic in its Resolution on Culture and sustainable development (A/RES/68/223). A background note describes the contributions of culture and references key milestones recognizing culture as a driver and enabler of sustainable development; lists key questions the debate will address; and gives details on the intended format, outcome and participants. The President will issue a summary at the conclusion of the debate.  

date: 5 May 2014   venue: UN Headquarters, Trusteeship Council   location: New York City, US   contact: Tala Dowlatshahi, Office of the President of the UNGA   phone: 917-367-4718   e-mail: dowlatshahi@un.org   www: http://www.un.org/en/ga/president/68/pdf/letters/03072014TD%20Culture%20and%20Sustainable%20Development.pdf