3-5 October 2012 New Delhi, Delhi, India
Cool Buildings and Communities Conference

This conference, which is co-hosted by the Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership (GSEP) and the Global Cool Cities Alliance, will bring together government officials, industry representatives, and green building and sustainability experts. The conference aims to launch a new non-profit organization focused on deploying cool, efficient policies and technologies, and launch a new network of global cities that are committed to reducing urban heat to promote sustainability. In conjunction with the conference the Cool Roofs and Pavements Working Group of GSEP is organizing a workshop during which member governments can update the Working Group on their initiatives, plan for the 4th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM4) meeting, and interact with other stakeholders to disucss supporting Working Group activities.  

dates: 3-5 October 2012   venue: Habitat World at Indian Habitat Center, Lodhi Road   location: New Delhi, India   contact: Kurt Shickman   e-mail: kurt@globalcoolcities.org   www: http://www.globalcoolcities.org/?page_id=804