14-15 December 2016 New York City, US
Consultation on Indigenous Peoples’ Participation at the UN

In resolution 70/232 on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) requested the President to conduct consultations with Member States, indigenous peoples, and existing relevant UN mechanisms on the possible measures to enable the participation of indigenous peoples at the UN, and prepare a compilation of views presented during the consultations to form the basis for a draft text to be finalized and adopted by the UNGA during its following session, UNGA 71. On 8 July 2016, President Mogens Lykketoft circulated a compilation of views expressed during the UNGA 70 consultations, including concrete recommendations on the way forward, and an elements paper for the draft resolution. On 28 September 2016, President Peter Thomson (UNGA 71) confirmed the reappointment of Kai Sauer, Permanent Representative of Finland, Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee, Permanent Representative of Ghana, Claire Winfield Ngamihi Charters, Pacific Region, and James Anaya, North America Region, as advisers for the consultation process. Per the indicative road map issued by the advisers, four consultations will take place at the UN, with the process expected to result in a draft UNGA resolution. The first in the series of four consultations is planned for 14-15 December 2016, with a focus on: Venues of participation; Participation modalities; Recognition/selection mechanism; and Selection criteria.  

dates: 14-15 December 2016  
venue: UN Headquarters, Trusteeship Council Chamber  
location: New York City, US  
contact: Chandra Roy-Henriksen, Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs  
e-mail: indigenous_un@un.org  
www: http://www.un.org/pga/71/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2015/08/Consultation-process-concerning-the-ways-to-enable-the-participation-of-indigenous-peoples.pdf