By UN General Assembly resolution 68/300 of 10 July 2014, the General Assembly decided to hold a comprehensive review in 2018 of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which will be the third high-level meeting of the UNGA on the issue. The outcome of the meeting will be a political declaration, and consultations among Member States are under way in New York to decide on the text of the declaration, co-facilitated by the permanent representatives of Italy and Uruguay.

The zero draft of the declaration of June 2018 outlines 24 actions that Member States would commit to implementing.

As part of the preparatory process for the high-level meeting, an interactive hearing took place on 5 July 2018. The hearing focused on four topics: scaling up action for the prevention and control of NCDs; financing for the prevention and control of NCDs; promotion of multi-sectoral partnerships for the prevention and control of NCDs; and political leadership and accountability.

The logistics note for the meeting is available here.


New York City, United States of America



Global Partnerships


