27 October 2010 Tokyo, Japan
Climate Change and Loss of Nature’s Diversity: New Actions and Alliances in Response to Key Global Challenges 2010

This 2010 edition of the annual Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Lecture, hosted by the UN University (UNU), will be delivered by Erik Solheim, former Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development. It will focus on the impact of climate change on biodiversity loss, as well as the need for alliances and partnerships to address these global challenges.  

date: 27 October 2010  
venue: UNU headquarters, 5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925  
location: Tokyo, Japan  
phone: +81–(0)3–5467–1212  
fax: +81–(0)3–3499–2828  
e-mail: mbox@unu.edu  
www: http://www.unu.edu/nansen/