1-3 November 2011 Singapore, Singapore
Clean Energy Expo Asia 2011

This Expo will include a conference and a trade fair for exhibitors to showcase their technologies and other work. The Clean Energy Expo Asia 2011 Conference programme is developed in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS). It aims to bring together leading players in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region. The event is taking place during Singapore International Energy Week (31 October-4 November 2011).  

dates: 1-3 November 2011   venue: SUNTEC   location: Singapore, Singapore   contact: Adrian Sng   phone: +65 6500 6720   fax: +65 6296 2771   e-mail: a.sng@koelnmesse.com.sg   www: http://www.cleanenergyexpoasia.com/