14-17 March 2012 Kingston, Jamaica
Caribbean Urban Forum 2012: Planning to Achieve the Vision…Towards a Green Urban Economy

Hosted by the Jamaica Institute of Planners (JIP), the Caribbean Urban Forum 2012 is one of a series of regional events organized by the Caribbean Network for Urban and Land Management (CNULM) in association with the CARICOM Secretariat. The Forum seeks to advance a Caribbean urban agenda and best practices among planning professionals across the region, as well as serve as the launch pad for the Caribbean Planners Association. The Forum also plans to send a message on the region's position on urban aspects of green economy issues to the June 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20).  

dates: 14-17 March 2012   venue: Jamaica Conference Centre   location: Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica   contact: Jamaica Institute of Planners   phone: +876-754-3498   fax: +876-906-8119   e-mail: info@cuf2012.com   www: http://www.cuf2012.com  

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