10 April 2018 New York City, US
C40 Financing Sustainable Cities Forum 2018

The third annual C40 Financing Sustainable Cities Forum is hosted by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and the City of New York, with the support of the Citi Foundation and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. This event will focus on immediate opportunities to scale up investment in sustainable and inclusive cities. It aims to increase collaboration between senior leaders in the public and private sector, in order to scale up investment in sustainable infrastructure and services in cities.

The annual Forum, which is invitation-only, is part of the Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative (FSCI), a partnership between the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group that helps cities accelerate and scale up investments in sustainable urban solutions. It is funded by the Citi Foundation. The first and second C40 Financing Sustainable Cities Forums took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2016, and in London, UK, in 2017.

Key topics for 2018 will include:

  • Financing sustainable, inclusive cities – exploring sustainable urban solutions from the perspective of cities and investors to highlight existing opportunities and help both sides see eye-to-eye on what is needed to unlock new investment opportunities.
  • Innovation in business models – a closer look at new financial products, funding sources, and private sector engagement models in the areas of sustainable mobility, energy, land use and climate adaptation.
  • Bridging the gap between projects and investors – defining “bankable” projects from the perspective of different investors and improving project preparation to generate a pipeline of bankable, sustainable infrastructure projects.

date: 10 April 2018
location: New York City, US
e-mail: fsci@c40.org
www: http://www.c40.org/events/c40-financing-sustainable-cities-forum-2018

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