24-26 July 2015 Singapore, Singapore
ASEAN Power Shift 2015

350 Singapore, with the support of Young National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), is organizing a Power Shift conference for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, which will host 300-500 youth from the 10 ASEAN countries to focus on: aligning their position ahead of the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015; learning about one another's environmental initiatives; and networking and collaborating on climate initiatives. Participants will follow either a policy track or one of several knowledge tracks to guide their attendance at parallel sessions. Those on the Policy Track will work on an ASEAN Youth Position Paper for adoption by the conference at its conclusion. Those on the Knowledge Track will attend various workshops under the tracks: policies; media and communications; and creative activism.  

dates: 24-26 July 2015  
venue: United World College of South East Asia (UWC SEA), East Campus, Block A, Auditorium and Conference Centre, 1 Tampines Street 73  
location: Singapore, Singapore  
contact: 350 Singapore  
e-mail: AseanPowerShift@gmail.com  
www: http://world.350.org/singapore/asean-power-shift-2015/about-asean-power-shift-2015/

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