9-10 June 2011 Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
AfDB 2011 Annual Meetings

These meetings, organized around the theme “Towards an Agenda for Inclusive Growth in Africa,” will review the African Development Bank's (AfDB) 2010 operations and its 2012 development funding portfolio, as well as challenges facing the African region in key areas such as climate change, infrastructure, private sector and governance. The meetings will also include: a high-level seminar on “Financing Energy and Green Growth;” a meeting on capacity building in science, technology and innovation; a meeting on the Inga power project (two hydroelectric dams); and the launch of African Economic Outlook 2011, which focuses on Africa’s growing integration in the world economy and its diversifying partnerships revealing unprecedented economic opportunities.  

dates: 9-10 June 2011   location: Lisbon, Portugal   contact: General Secretariat   phone: +216 71102805 / 71103626 / 71103991   fax: +216 71 833 414 / +216 71 835 752   e-mail: annualmeetings@afdb.org   www: http://www.afdb.org/en/annual-meetings/