19 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A Focus on Forests, REDD+ & Low Emission Sustainable Development at Rio+20: A Reception Co-hosted by the GCF and CIFOR

The Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF) and CIFOR have partnered to host this cocktail reception featuring the latest subnational developments in REDD+ and low emission sustainable development (LESD). Along with presentations by the GCF Governors and Secretariat highlighting new financial resources, technological advancements, and partnerships, GCF partner Google will introduce how their Earth Engine and Earth Builder applications can support subnational REDD+ and LESD efforts. The balance of the reception will provide a networking opportunity for attendees. This event is free to attend, is open to interested stakeholders, and follows CIFOR’s 8th Roundtable at Rio+20—Forests. CIFOR is also facilitating the Forests in Developing Countries dialogue of the Rio+20 Dialogues, an online discussion open to all interested particpants, which will generate recommendations for the heads of State attending Rio+20.  

date: 19 June 2012   venue: Royal Tulip Hotel   location: Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil   contact: Keyvan Izadi   e-mail: Keyvan.gcf@gmail.com   www: http://www.gcftaskforce.org/meetings/rio_plus_20/  

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