The 2022 Trade and Sustainability Hub will take place in June 2022, alongside the World Trade Organization’ s (WTO) Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12), and focus on how trade policy can contribute to sustainable development.
Organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the meeting will consist of an opening plenary that will discuss the role of trade and the multilateral trading system (MTS) in the face of a “perfect storm” of crises facing the WTO today, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the food security crisis, rising geopolitical tensions, and the damaging effects of climate change. This will be followed by three virtual thematic round tables focusing on:
- How the WTO can better respond to food crises;
- How trade rules can help in the race to preserve the environment; and
- Whether digitalization and e-commerce can offer new prospects for tackling inequality.
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13–15 June 2022