Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, will co-chair this meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate.
The MEF provides a platform for dialogue and political impetus bringing together the main greenhouse gas emitting countries.
The 19th meeting will be co-hosted by the United States. Discussions will focus on issues related to the new global climate change agreement which is set to be adopted at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 21) and 11th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) to be held in 2015 in Paris.
The MEF meeting will be followed immediately by the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, which will gather Ministers from about 35 countries, co-hosted by Germany and Peru, and will serve as a preparatory meeting for COP 20 and CMP 10, which are to take place in Lima, Peru, in December 2014.
11–12 July 2014
Paris, Ile-De-France, France