28 October 2011
European Commission Proposes Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure
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The European Commission has unveiled its proposal for "Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure," aimed at ensuring that strategic energy networks and storage facilities are completed by 2020.

To this end, the Commission has identified 12 priority corridors and areas covering electricity, gas, oil and carbon dioxide transport networks, and proposes a regime of "common interest" for projects contributing to implementing these priorities that will benefit from an easier, faster and more transparent permitting procedure and be eligible for EU co-funding.

19 October 2011: The European Commission has unveiled its proposal for “Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure,” aimed at ensuring that strategic energy networks and storage facilities are completed by 2020. To this end, the Commission has identified 12 priority corridors and areas covering electricity, gas, oil and carbon dioxide transport networks, and proposes a regime of “common interest” for projects contributing to implementing these priorities.

Projects “of common interest” are expected to benefit from an easier, faster and more transparent permitting procedure and will be eligible for EU co-funding, which for the first time will target the construction of large energy infrastructure from the regular EU budget. These projects are expected to enhance economic, social and environmental viability and involve at least two Member States. Additional sector-specific criteria will ensure that projects notably strengthen security of supply, enable market integration, foster competition, ensure system flexibility, and allow transmission of renewable generation to consumption centers and storage sites. [EU press release][EU memo][Communication “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure”]

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