25 October 2011
Caribbean Development Bank Supports CARICOM Climate Change Strategy
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The Caribbean Development Bank granted the CARICOM Climate Change Change Centre (CCCCC) US$470,000 to create a Project Development Unit to provide technical assistance to member countries and help coordinate implementation of CARICOM's climate change strategy.

13 October 2011: The Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) Board of Directors approved, on 13 October 2011, a US$470,000 grant to the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) to help it coordinate the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) climate change strategy and implementation plan.

The grant will support the creation of a Project Development Unit within CCCCC to assist CARICOM member countries in adopting climate change responses, primarily through developing tools and guidance resources, and preparing a pipeline of priority adaptation projects for investment. [CDB Press Release]

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