6 October 2011
UNFCCC Publishes EU Submission on Support to Developing Countries
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The EU's submission to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) contains information on support provided to developing country parties and activities undertaken to strengthen existing and, where needed, establish national and regional systematic observation and monitoring networks.

UNFCCC30 September 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published an addendum containing the EU’s submission on the support provided to developing country parties and on activities undertaken to strengthen existing, and to establish, national and regional systematic observation and monitoring networks (FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC.6/Add.1).

At its 34th session, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) invited parties to submit to the Secretariat information on: support provided to developing country parties and activities undertaken to strengthen existing and, where needed, establish national and regional systematic observation and monitoring networks. The submissions received will be considered by SBI 35. The submission contains examples of support provided by EU member States and the European Commission to strengthen systematic observation in developing countries. [EU Submission]

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