22-24 November 2011 Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
International Workshop “Domestic Biogas Programmes in Asia; Transformation Towards Commercial Sectors and Development of Effective Financing Facilities”

This workshop is co-organized by the Energy for All Partnership, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Hivos/Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. Its specific objectives are to: help prepare for the transformation of national biogas programmes to commercial biogas sectors during the period to 2016 by outlining a sector development plan by country, including pro-poor commercialization strategy; and to present and discuss the Asian Rural Biogas Facility as developed by the KfW bank and ADB in the framework of the Energy for All Partnership. The workshop will feature both plenary and parallel sessions, including a session on financing in the domestic biogas sector under the Clean Development Mechanism and non-compliance carbon market. On the second day, the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme will organize a field visit. A total of 120 persons are expected, consisting of delegations from 15 countries in Asia, representatives from the ADB and other potential external financiers and stakeholders from the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme. The workshop is also open to all interested stakeholders.  

dates: 22-24 November 2011   location: Bandung, Indonesia   contact: Wim J. van Nes   e-mail: wvannes@snvworld.org   www: http://www.snvworld.org/en/ourwork/Documents/20110912%20Announcement%20-%202011%20International%20Workshop%20on%20Domestic%20Biogas.pdf