7 August 2008
UNCTAD Hearing with Civil Society will address Global Food and Financial Crises
story highlights

6 August 2008: The UN Conference on Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD) Trade and Development Board hearing with civil society will address the global food crisis as a systemic failure in development strategy, including its relationship with climate change.

The hearing will take place on 17 September 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland, and will allow discussions between […]

6 August 2008: The UN Conference on Trade and Development’s
(UNCTAD) Trade and Development Board hearing with civil society will address
the global food crisis as a systemic failure in development strategy, including
its relationship with climate change.

The hearing will take place on 17 September 2008, in Geneva,
Switzerland, and will allow discussions between representatives of civil
society and the private sector with member States. The hearing will also
address the global financial crisis, with a focus on its impact on sustainable
development. A report of the event will be presented to the Trade and
Development Board at its closing plenary on 26 September 2008. [UNCTAD
hearing’s website