12 September 2008
WMO Co-organizes Workshop on Climate Product Generation, User Liaison and Training in Polar Regions
story highlights

11 September 200 8: A workshop on climate product generation, user liaison and training in Polar Regions, co-organized under the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) project on Climate Information and Prediction Services (CLIPS) by the World Climate Research Programme and the Committee for International Polar Year, took place from 8-11 September 2008, in St.

Petersburg, Russian […]

11 September 200
8: A workshop on climate product generation,
user liaison and training in Polar Regions, co-organized under the World
Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) project on Climate Information and
Prediction Services (CLIPS) by the World Climate Research Programme and the
Committee for International Polar Year, took place from 8-11 September 2008, in
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Workshop

The event brought together climate and user
representatives with interests in Polar Regions to: share information and
identify requirements for climate information, products and services; engage in
awareness and technical training; and evaluate options for sustained
international efforts to serve the climate-related needs of Polar Regions such
as a Polar Climate Outlook Forum.
The specific themes of the workshop programme
included: international climate science programmes relevant to the Polar
climate; climate variability and change in Polar Regions; climate products and
services for Polar users; and climate-related needs of people in Polar Regions
as well as development and communication of information, products and services.

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