17 September 2008
IFPRI Releases Report on Monitoring and Assessing Impacts of Global Food Crises
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September 2008: The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has released an advance copy of its report entitled ‘Global Food Crises: Monitoring and Assessing Impact to Inform Policy Responses.’ The report seeks to support national decision makers and international development agencies in acquiring information and applying methods for understanding the likely effects of a global […]

GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS. Monitoring and Assessing Impact to Inform Policy Responses September 2008: The International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI) has released an advance copy of its report entitled ‘Global
Food Crises: Monitoring and Assessing Impact to Inform Policy Responses.’

report seeks to support national decision makers and international development
agencies in acquiring information and applying methods for understanding the
likely effects of a global food crisis on their country, and acting to
alleviate the risks and exploit the opportunities brought about by such crises.
It describes data and methods and suggests how to facilitate their collection
and use.
The report provides insight on the information and analytical tools
that national-level decision makers need to assess the risks and opportunities
posed to their country and citizens by a global food crisis, to determine how
they might respond to those risks and opportunities, and to identify ways to
monitor the impact of the food crisis and the effects of policy responses. [The Report]