UNFCCC4 April 2013: The Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), Jayant Moreshver Mauskar (India) and Harald Dovland (Norway), released an information note for the second ADP session to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 29 April-3 May 2013. The note aims to assist delegates in preparing for the session and includes suggested goals, ideas and proposals for organizing the work.

The April session aims to build on broad, conceptual discussions carried out in 2012 by engaging in specific, detailed work on the core elements of the 2015 agreement (under ADP’s Workstream 1) using a results-orientated approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition (under ADP’s Workstream 2). On the organization of work, the Co-Chairs suggest following the agenda agreed upon in 2012 , including through the two work streams initiated by the agenda.

For workstream one on the 2015 agreement, the Co-Chairs propose a workshop on the scope, structure and design of the 2015 agreement, as well as roundtable discussions on mitigation, adaptation, means of implementation and transparency of action and support. For workstream two on pre-2020 ambition, the Co-Chairs propose workshops on increasing ambition in low-emission development opportunities and on opportunities for mitigation and adaptation related to land use. Roundtable discussions will address catalysing action and building a practical and results-orientated approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition. An annex includes possible questions to guide discussions.

Additionally, the Co-Chairs propose to hold a contact group to address organizational matters and prepare conclusions or draft decisions. They also intend to convene a special event to facilitate observers’ virtual participation and seek their views. [Note for the April Session] [IISD RS Story on ADP’s Workstream One] [IISD RS Story on ADP’s Workstream Two] [More information on the ADP session]