25-27 May 2011 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
International Expert Meeting on IPBES and Capacity Building

This meeting on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and capacity building is being co-hosted by the Governments of Brazil and Norway, and is being planned and organized by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. The intention of the meeting is to help inform and prepare for the plenary meetings being organized by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to operationalize IPBES. Participants will consider how IPBES can most effectively address capacity building, and how capacity building will support other work areas of IPBES, including knowledge generation, assessment and policy support.  

dates: 25-27 May 2011   venue: Nova Conference Centre   location: Trondheim, Norway   contact: Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management   phone: +47 73 58 05 00   fax: +47 73 58 05 01   e-mail: ingeborg.einum@dirnat.no   www: http://www.dirnat.no/IPBES  

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