UNFCCC8 October 2014: The Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) have issued a scenario note on the sixth part of the ADP’s second session (ADP 2-6). The document (ADP.2014.9.InformalNote) presents the Co-Chairs’ proposals on how to carry out the work of ADP 2-6 and aims to assist parties in their preparations for the upcoming session.

The note contains two parts: introduction and context of the session; and approach to the session. The second part presents the Co-Chairs’ suggested approach to: organization of the session; elaborating the elements of the 2015 agreement; intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) in the context of the 2015 agreement; and accelerating the implementation of enhanced pre-2020 climate action. The note also discusses negotiating time required in 2015, and other matters, including consultations, events, and provision of additional information prior to the session.

On the context of the session, the Co-Chairs explain that: the scenario note complements four documents issued on 7 July; the ADP needs to deliver a negotiating text by April 2015 and ADP 2-6 to result in substantive progress towards this aim; the ADP’s work will be guided by the core principles agreed by parties.

On organization of the session, the Co-Chairs propose to hold an opening plenary meeting on 20 October, and a second plenary meeting at the end of the session on 25 October. Following the opening plenary, the contact group on item 3 of the ADP agenda (on implementation of all the elements of decision 1/CP.17) will resume work, in accordance with the ADP mandate and based on a balanced approach between each element of the draft agreement and the two draft decisions.

On the elements of the 2015 agreement, the Co-Chairs suggest, inter alia, focusing on: clarifying and advancing the content of the agreement; outstanding issues; operational aspects; accompanying complementary decisions; and legal aspects.

On INDCs, the Co-Chairs propose working on the draft decision on INDCs, including through new iterations to be issued during the session, in order to reach conclusions on the matter during ADP 2-6. In particular, the Co-Chairs call for advancing on a common understanding on the scope of the INDCs and the process after their communication. They also note that a briefing on support for domestic preparations for INDCs is planned for 23 October.

On pre-2020 climate action, the Co-Chairs explain their aim in ADP 2-6 is to reach a conclusion on the draft decision through collectively reading through the draft decision in the contact group, accompanied by issuance of further iterations during the session based on input from parties. They also note the two technical expert meetings (TEMs), on carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) and non-carbon dioxide (CO2) gases, to be held on 20 and 21 October 2014 respectively, and an informal follow-up meeting to four previously organized TEMs.

ADP 2-6 will take place from 20-25 October 2014, in Bonn, Germany. [Scenario Note on ADP 2-6] [IISD RS Story on ADP 2-6 Documents Issued in July 2014] [IISD RS Story on Corrigendum to ADP Non-Paper on Negotiating Text Elements]