World Bank18 May 2015: Presenting at a parallel session on finance at the Second Annual Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Forum, the World Bank described an indicator-based tool that it has developed to increase investment in economically and environmentally sustainable energy. The tool, dubbed ‘Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE),’ is being piloted in 17 countries and will eventually be rolled out in more than 100 countries.

In support of the SE4ALL objectives on energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy, the tool aims to assess government support for private sector investment in sustainable energy. The assessment encompasses planning, policies and regulations, pricing and subsidies, and procedural efficiency, giving private companies an overview of the attractiveness of a country for investment. RISE users can choose to view either energy access, energy efficiency or renewable energy on a world map displaying each pilot country’s rating on a low, medium or high scale. The rating is based on the economy’s performance using the named indicators.

While private sector presenters at the parallel session indicated the tool’s usefulness, the World Bank explained that RISE is targeting government policymakers. It intends to influence them to create policy frameworks that will create enabling environments for private investment in sustainable energy. With regular updates through 2030, RISE will continue to inform country-level interventions under SE4ALL, allowing policymakers to track incremental change. The 17 pilot countries are located in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. [World Bank RISE Website] [ENB+ SE4ALL Bulletin Volume 181 Number 8 – Highlights for Monday, 18 May 2015] [IISD RS Coverage of SE4ALL Forum]



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