Intergovernmental negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration will take place over several sessions between February and July 2018.

In a letter of 22 December 2017, co-facilitators Juan Jose Gomez Camacho, Permanent Representative of Mexico, and Jurg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland, announced the dates of the sessions. The second session will convene from 12-15 March 2018.

The document for discussion at the second session will take the form of a “zero draft plus,” as noted by the co-facilitators in a letter of 28 February 2018. The revisions to the text will comprise, primarily, linguistic and technical updates, based on the discussion that took place at the first round of negotiations. That meeting is summarized here.

The second session will include discussion on four key issues: differentiation between irregular and regular; differentiation between migrants and refugees; implementation and capacity building; and follow-up and review. These discussions will be followed, on the final day, by a reading of the text.

SDG Knowledge Hub coverage of the negotiation process for a Global Compact can be found here.


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