10-11 May 2011 Istanbul, Turkey
WEDF: Private Sector Engagement with LDCs for Tourism-Led Growth, Inclusive Sustainable Development

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is working with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and other agencies to bring together high-level tourism experts from the private and public sectors to find solutions to tourism challenges in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The theme of this year’s World Export Development Forum (WEDF) is Private Sector Engagement with LDCs for Tourism-led Growth and Inclusive Sustainable Development. Attendees will participate in workshops encouraging public-private partnerships on specific tourism projects.  

dates: 10-11 May 2011   location: Istanbul, Turkey   phone: +34-91-567-8100   fax: +34-91-567-8218   e-mail: comm@UNWTO.org   www: http://www.intracen.org/trade-support/wedf/