16 December 2009
UNDP National Human Development Report for Moldova Focuses on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change
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December 2009: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released the 2009/2010 National Human Development Report for Moldova, entitled “Climate Change in Moldova: Socio-Economic Impact and Policy Options for Adaptation.” The report examines the climate change impacts on Moldova’s environment, society and economy.

According to the report, developing countries are more vulnerable to these impacts, have […]

16dic_09_10December 2009: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released the 2009/2010 National Human Development Report for Moldova, entitled “Climate Change in Moldova: Socio-Economic Impact and Policy Options for Adaptation.”
The report examines the climate change impacts on Moldova’s environment, society and economy. According to the report, developing countries are more vulnerable to these impacts, have fewer resources with which to adapt and to recover losses caused by extreme weather events, and are in general more dependent upon the environment for their citizens’ livelihoods. As a result, climate change poses a serious threat to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The report marks the 15th anniversary of National Human Development Reports in Moldova and provides a comprehensive assessment of how climate change is expected to affect human development through limiting water resources, affecting ecosystems, agriculture and energy, transport infrastructure and health.[UNDP Press Release][The Report]