9-14 May 2011 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean 2011

This Conference is co-sponsored by the Clean Air Institute (CAI), the Spanish Fund for Latin America & the Caribbean (SFLAC), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, GIZ and the City of Rosario, Governments of Brazil, Mexico and Spain. Participants will discuss “How to Achieve Sustainable Urban Transport?” Among other things, the Conference will examine health and environmental benefits of improving urban transport, emissions inventories and monitoring, use of alternative fuels, carbon financing to improve urban transport, and regional collaborative initiatives in Latin America & the Caribbean. The main conference will be held on 11-13 May. The Conference will be preceded on 9-10 May by training courses organized with the collaboration of GIZ. On 10 May, a high-level meeting will take place with transport and environment authorities, specialists and key stakeholders from leader cities that are transitioning to sustainable transportation, to discuss and advance a regional agenda, and provide technical and political inputs for regional and global transport and climate negotiations.  

dates: 9-14 May 2011   venue: City Center Convention Center   location: Rosario, Argentina   contact: Alaitz Benito Fernandez   phone: +1-202-464-5450   e-mail: abenito@cleanairinstitute.org   www: http://www.cleanairinstitute.org/evento_rosario.php  

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