22 March 2011
CBD Secretariat Calls for Views on Indicators for Resource Mobilization Strategy
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The information submitted will enable the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to offer methodological guidance on the agreed indicators for monitoring the implementation of the CBD's strategy for resource mobilization.

18 March 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has called for submission of views on the agreed indicators for monitoring the implementation of the CBD’s Strategy for resource mobilization.

The 15 indicators are included in Decision X/3, on the “Strategy for resource mobilization in support of the achievement of the Convention’s three objectives.” The indicators range from listing financial flows from all sources and channels to identifying the number of countries that have taken specific actions related to resource mobilization.

Information submitted by Parties, other Governments and levels of government, relevant international organizations, and civil society organizations will enable the Secretariat to compile and present a synthesis to give methodological guidance on these indicators. Comments are invited by 31 July 2011. [CBD Notification]