8 March 2011
FAO’s “State of Food and Agriculture” Calls for Investment in Women to Achieve Sustainable Development
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The report calls for women to be seen as equal partners in sustainable development, and highlights opportunities in high-value export-oriented agro-industries and describes additional benefits for improving health, nutrition and education outcomes for children through increasing women's income.

7 March 2011: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) released its 2010-2011 edition of “The State of Food and Agriculture” report with a focus on opportunities to improve women’s access to agricultural resources.

The report calls for women to be seen as equal partners in sustainable development and for an end to all forms of discrimination against women, noting that though women make up 20%-50% of the agricultural labor force, they represent only 3%-20% of landholders. It underscores the need to eliminate discrimination under the law, for example in cases where women do not have the right to sell or inherit land, stressing that secure land tenure offers opportunities for sustainable agricultural development. The report highlights opportunities in high-value export-oriented agro-industries and describes additional benefits for improving health, nutrition and education outcomes for children through increasing women’s income. [FAO Press Release] [Publication: State of Food and Agriculture]

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