9 February 2011
UNCSD Bureau Discusses First Intersessional and Second Preparatory Meetings
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The UNCSD Bureau met in preparation for the first intersessional meeting and subsequently to discuss its outcome and prepare for PrepCom II.

11 January 2011: The Bureau of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) held two meetings in January, to discuss the first intersessional meeting and second meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom II).

The Bureau’s ninth meeting, on 7 January 2011, included a briefing and discussion on the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP). The key points emerging from the discussion, according to the meeting minutes, were that: the mandates and functions of the UNCSD preparatory process and the Panel are different and should not be “mixed”; the Panel will not engage in intergovernmental negotiations, but will keep open the possibility of consultations with relevant stakeholders; and the Panel may consider providing suggestions on the institutional framework for sustainable development, consistent with the “functions should follow form” approach.

With regard to the first intersessional meeting, the Bureau said it had observed: at the country level, apart from the lack of capacity, some inertia and indifference towards UNCSD preparations; and a strong need for “injecting more dynamism and energy” to attract country-level engagement in the preparatory process.

On the development of a roadmap for the UNCSD, Bureau members expressed the view that PrepCom II should consider both substantive and procedural issues, with the latter including deciding on a date and programme of the Conference, which will have to be proposed by the host country (Brazil). The Bureau also thought PrepCom II should provide a mandate to initiate a process for the preparation of the draft outcome document and subsequent negotiations.

At the Bureau’s 10th meeting, on 11 January 2011, members expressed general satisfaction with the results of the first intersessional meeting, but noted with concern the absence of delegations due to lack of funds. The Bureau highlighted that while discussion on the themes of the UNCSD was very rich, discussion on its objectives were not at par. The Bureau also took note that different postions were emerging from the discussions, including on: developing an action-oriented roadmap on green economy; strengthening the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP); and creating a UN umbrella body on sustainable development.

On the preparatory process, Bureau members Charles Ntwaagae and John Matuszak, who had met with Major Groups, conveyed the Major Groups’ concern that the three-day duration of the Conference could constrain achievement of its desired outcome. Bureau members learned that in conversations with Brazil, it has been proposed that an interval of a few days be scheduled between the final PrepCom and the UNCSD, to permit time for thematic discussions and Conference-related activities, including activities by the Major Groups. The Bureau also discussed, without reaching agreement, the option of having a “zero draft” of the outcome document ready by PrepCom II. Some members argued that the zero draft should be prepared after taking into account all preparatory activities. Others proposed combining the second and third intersessional meetings into one official negotiation session of four days, suggesting that PrepCom II could make such a decision, but it was noted that this decision would need to be endorsed by the UN General Assembly.

The Bureau will hold further consultations on these issues at its next meeting, on 16 February 2011. [Minutes of Ninth Meeting] [Minutes of 10th Meeting]