28 January 2011
UNEP and UNOPS Develop Sustainable Vehicles Procurement Guidelines
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The guidelines for the sustainable purchase of vehicles are intended to provide a summary of the key environmental and social impacts relating to the production, use and disposal of vehicles, together with technical specifications to assist procurers in attracting more sustainable suppliers.

25 January 2011: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) have cooperated with Fleet Forum to develop guidelines on sustainable procurement of vehicles for the UN.

The guidelines are intended to provide a summary of the key environmental and social impacts relating to the production, use and disposal of vehicles, together with technical specifications to assist procurers in attracting more sustainable suppliers. The UN spent US$477 million on vehicles in 2009. The guidelines for the sustainable purchase of vehicles are one of a series on sustainable procurement. [Greening the Blue Press Release] [The Guidelines]

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