17 January 2011
UN Regional Commissions Release Calendar Towards Rio+20
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In preparation for the UNCSD process, a comprehensive regional calendar of meetings leading up to the Conference has been prepared and shared among all the UN Regional Commissions.

14 January 2011: The Weekly newsletter of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for the period 10-14 January 2011 announces that, in preparation for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) process, a comprehensive regional calendar of meetings leading up to the Conference has been prepared and shared among all the UN Regional Commissions.

The calendar and progress in working together to ensure a strong and coherent regional contribution to the Rio+20 process were discussed at a meeting of the Executive Secretaries of the UN Regional Commissions hosted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile, from 13-14 January 2011. The meeting aimed to consider the development of a joint conceptual understanding on the green economy. [Weekly newsletter][The calendar]