5 January 2011
FAO-sponsored National Forest Inventory Completed in Kyrgyzstan
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FAO supported the first national forest inventory in Central Asia, which finds that Kyrgyzstan has over 1.1 million hectares of forest, 75% of which is protected.

4 January 2011: With the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Kyrgyzstan has completed a national inventory of its forests.

The first of its type in Central Asia, the forest inventory began in 2008 and used updated methods provided by the FAO. It took into account information on both national-level and operational planning. The inventory showed that Kyrgyzstan has 1,123,045.2 hectares of forests, covering 5.6% of the country. About 75% of the forests are in the territory of the State Forest Fund and protected areas. [Assessment Website]

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