3 January 2011
UNECE Supports Finalization of Third Aral Sea Basin Programme
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The Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea reviewed the draft third Aral Sea basin programme for 2011–2015, which is expected to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and improve preparedness to address new challenges, including climate change.

17 December 2010: On 15 December 2010, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea reviewed the draft third Aral Sea basin programme for 2011-2015, with support from the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) project “Regional dialogue and cooperation on water resources management in Central Asia.”

The programme aims to alleviate the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of the Aral Sea disaster and to facilitate progress towards integrated water resources management and sustainable development in the Aral Sea Basin. Its finalization was accompanied by the adoption of a Statement by Donors and Implementing Agencies confirming their full support for the programme and readiness to assist in its implementation.

The new programme covers four areas: integrated water resources management; environmental protection; socioeconomic issues; and institutional and legal strengthening of water management in the region. It is expected to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and improve preparedness to address new challenges, including climate change. [UNECE Press Release]

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