10 November 2010
SPREP and UNDP Convene Pacific Adaptation Meeting on Operational and Financial Requirements
story highlights

SPREP and UNDP organized a Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Regional Meeting on Operational and Financial Requirements, which addressed operational and financial planning and reporting requirements in the framework of the regional project “Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change” (PACC).

27 October 2010: The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) organized a Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Regional Meeting on Operational and Financial Requirements from 4-8 October 2010 in Apia, Samoa. The meeting addressed operational and financial planning and reporting requirements in the framework of the regional project “Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change” (PACC).

Each country participating in PACC was invited to nominate one representative from its finance or treasury departments and the PACC national coordinator, to ensure that operational and financial areas of the project were effectively addressed and communicated. In an opening statement, SPREP Director David Sheppard underlined existing challenges in financial and operational management, as well as a lack of national expertise in the policy area and in providing technical support to various PACC project outcomes and activities.
The meeting also provided an opportunity for cross-country discussions on key thematic areas.

The PACC Project is a US$13.125-million project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP and executed by SPREP over the period 2009-2013. [SPREP press release]