25 October 2010
FOREST EUROPE Assesses CBD Implementation
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The assessment highlights regional implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity's Extended Programme of Work on Forest Biodiversity.

20 October 2010: FOREST EUROPE (the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe) has published a report on how it has implemented provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Europe.

The document, published by FOREST EUROPE’s Liaison Europe Oslo, presents results of an assessment undertaken by FOREST EUROPE, outlining how FOREST EUROPE has addressed the objectives of the CBD’s Extended Programme of Work on Forest Biodiversity. The report highlights activities on the ecosystem approach, cross-sectoral integration, protected areas, forest law enforcement and related trade, and sustainable use and benefit sharing. It notes FOREST EUROPE’s approach to promoting the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources as part of sustainable forest management (SFM), and SFM, in turn, as its over-arching approach to climate change. Included in the Annex is a detailed description of how FOREST EUROPE activities have contributed to the various elements in the CBD Programme of Work. [The Assessment]

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