9 September 2010
GEF SGP Funds Bicycle Rental Scheme in Macedonia
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3 September 2010: The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP) is funding bicycle rental as an alternative means of urban transportation, and to reduce congested traffic and air pollution, in Skopje, Macedonia.

The project provides a model for functional rent-a-bike systems that may be replicated in other cities.

Initial functioning of the rent-a-bike system […]

3 September 2010: The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP) is funding bicycle rental as an alternative means of urban transportation, and to reduce congested traffic and air pollution, in Skopje, Macedonia.

The project provides a model for functional rent-a-bike systems that may be replicated in other cities. Initial functioning of the rent-a-bike system showed exceptional results: after only one week of functioning, 507 renting hours of bikes were recorded. Three more municipalities in Skopje are expected to join the rent-a-bike system, establishing bike renting points in their municipalities. [GEF Press Release]

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