12 August 2010
UNIDO’s “Making It” Magazine Focuses on Policy Issues
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August 2010: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has published the latest issue of its magazine “Making It: Industry for Development” on the theme “The Policy Choice.” With this theme, the magazine aims to highlight the notion that the real question about industrial policy is how it should be practiced, not whether it should be […]

August 2010: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has published the latest issue of its magazine “Making It: Industry for Development” on the theme “The Policy Choice.” With this theme, the magazine aims to highlight the notion that the real question about industrial policy is how it should be practiced, not whether it should be practiced.

This issue contains various articles and features on this theme, including: a changing climate for industrial policy, which covers issues relating to the transition to a resource-efficient, low-carbon growth trajectory; the effectiveness of microfinance as an effective poverty reduction tool; and the importance of international cooperation for national prosperity. It also includes an article on ongoing efforts to “green” Mexico’s economy. The magazine is available on the “Making It” Website. [The Magazine]